»To remove the stench of mouth, make such house at home: mouth wash
MouthWash 1:
Ingredients - Baking soda, Tea Tree Oil, Pimentation Oil and Water.
Benefits - mouthwash prepared from this material makes the teeth shiny and clean. The fresh flavor of the pepperment keeps the mouth fresh.
Procedure - Take two spoon baking soda, two drops of T-tree oil and two drops of pepperment oil and mix well with a little warm water in it. Rinse it two to three times a day. There will be much better results.
MouthWash 2:
Ingredients - cloves, cinnamon oil and water.
Benefits - Rubbing from these materials prepared with mouthwash feels refreshing and does not get dirty smells from the mouth. This mouthwash has anti-bacterial properties which do not let germs in the tooth.
Process - Combine both types of oils in a cup of hot water. Rinse this mixture daily, it will get benefits. If you want, you can store it in a large quantity and store it in the fridge so that there is no hassle to make it everyday.
MouthWash 3:
Ingredients - apple vinegar and water
Benefits - Vinegar of apples is very beneficial; it removes the problem of germs in the teeth and teeth always remain spontaneous. The strength of teeth also comes to rinse this mixture.
Process - Take three spoon apple vinegar and warm water. Shake it well and rinse it three times a day with this mouthwash.
MouthWash 4:
Ingredients - lemon, glycerin and water.
Benefits - Lemon contains enough acidic properties that keep the teeth white and do not let the dirt accumulate on them. There is no infection in the teeth of glycerin. And the gums remain healthy too.
Process - Take two spoons of glycerine and mix some lemon juice in it. Tuck it well and then rinse it with it. It gives great benefit to mouthwashing done two to three times a day.
MouthWash 5:
Ingredients - Aloe vera, baking soda, pepper oil and water.
Benefits - Using this mouthwash prepared from this material ends the harmful microbes and dirt becomes clear too. It has anti-inflammatory properties that make the gums smooth and healthy. There is no mess in the mouth as well.
Process - Mix two teaspoons baking soda and two spoon pepperment oil and mix well in the aloe vera juice. Put a little warm water in this mixture and gently chop it. Rinse this mixture regularly.
MouthWash 6:
Ingredients: Neem juice, pepper oil and water.
Benefits - Neem is considered beneficial for teeth from ancient times. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties. It also removes the mouthwash in tooth infections.
Procedure: Grind some neem leaves in a blender and mix two spoon neem juice and two spoon pepperatelle oil in this juice. Thus, a great mouthwash is prepared which is effective in keeping your mouth fresh all day.
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